Not so candid
We're a bunch of compassionate spirits who travel the Third World looking for ways to make a difference, however small. Thanks to various sponsorships, we have been to over 40 countries and have experienced first hand the quandary of the luckless. What we lack in capital, we provide in time.
There are numerous charitable organizations doing good deeds. Support them any way you can.
Aid for Africa Save the Children WaterAid Unicef OxfamDo good
Perpetual Awareness
Our goal is to produce a revolving exhibit that brings attention to the world's unfortunate and provide ways to help.
Millions of people make their way through life impoverished, abandoned, uneducated, malnourished, neglected and vulnerable. Every day is a struggle for them. And although this is a global epidemic, no one has it worse than the Africans. They are being denied the fundamentals that we so take for granted and the basic joy of living.
Stop and think, what if this was me?
There are numerous charitable organizations doing good deeds. Support them any way you can.
Aid for Africa Save the Children WaterAid Unicef OxfamProlific proof
Making the Case
You've seen so many pictures like these that you forget the true plight behind these faces. They have become so familiar that you think this is how it is, and therefore that is how it will stay.
Meal to heal
We discard food like we change socks. We take for granted our abundance of supply. Even in droughts, we still manage to have access to all sorts of food. For Africans, a meal is a huge eye-opener and heart warmer. Keep the donations coming.
×Release from fear
Mllions of African men have been masterfully imbued with fear, dread, inferiority complexes, despair and humility. They have and still are enduring gone centuries of despotism, subjugation, depression and the radical violation of their humanity, culture, mores, land and existence.
×A lot of women didn't know it was wrong that they'd been sterilized.
She didn't realize she had been sterilized while giving birth to her son until five years later when, after failing to conceive, she and her boyfriend consulted a physician.
×There are numerous charitable organizations doing good deeds. Support them any way you can.
Aid for Africa Save the Children WaterAid Unicef OxfamFor what it's worth
Many compassionate individuals share our empathy for the misfortunes of Africans. Here are their stories.
Africa Rising: Time for a fairer deal for all
Much of Africa’s impressive economic growth over the last decade has been driven by new discoveries of oil, natural gas and mineral reserves. The continent has six of the top 10 fastest growing economies in the world. This growth is worth celebrating. Read full article
×Ending corruption is the key toending poverty in Africa
This week, leaders from across Africa are gathering in Washington, D.C. for the first U.S. -Africa Leaders Summit . They’re there to discuss how best to ensure stable, sustainable development across the continent, which is very welcome indeed. But these efforts are very unlikely to succeed unless they focus on the billions of dollars’ worth of natural resource wealth that African citizens are robbed of every year through corruption. Read full article
×Ending extreme povertyin Africa by 2030
With more than one in five people estimated to be undernourished, Africa remains the region with the highest prevalence of undernourishment in the world. But Africa is far too big to be a single story. Africa has seen success in the fight against hunger and in increasing food production, but is still faced with significant food security challenges. Read full article
×Why Does Hunger StillExist in Africa?
When I first started traveling to Africa, I would often meet children in the villages I was visiting and try to guess their ages. I was shocked to find out how often I guessed wrong. Kids I thought were 7 or 8 years old based on how tall they were – would tell me that they were actually 12 or 13 years old.Read full article
×Upwardly mobile:how cell phones are improving food and nutrition security
Mobile phones can support small-scale farmers overcome the many uncertainties and risks they face during and after production, and thus help boost their performance.Read full article
×Why GM Foods Won't SolveHunger in Africa
For many years, the debate has been raging about the future of our food supply and agricultural systems. As agriculture intensifies across the world, more and more small scale farmers are losing their livelihoods. On top of it, they are also struggling to grow decent harvests due to the effects of climate change. Read full article
×Together against hunger in Africa
With more than one in five people estimated to be undernourished, Africa remains the region with the highest prevalence of undernourishment in the world. But Africa is far too big to be a single story. Africa has seen success in the fight against hunger and in increasing food production, but is still faced with significant food security challenges. Read full article
×There are numerous charitable organizations doing good deeds. Support them any way you can.
Aid for Africa Save the Children WaterAid Unicef OxfamPay it Forward
It may sound trite, but there truly is no better feeling than that of giving to those less fortunate. Especially when they don't even have the opportunity to seek a better way of life, food, water — the basic staples of life you take for granted.
There are numerous charitable organizations doing good deeds. Support them any way you can.
Aid for Africa Save the Children WaterAid Unicef Oxfam